Enregistrer datatables de la textbox dans le classur Excel

J'espère que vous pouvez m'aider. Lorsque j'utilise ce code pour sauvegarder les informations de la boîte de text sur le classur Excel s'il y a des nombres dans la textbox une fois enregistré dans Excel, il n'est pas formé en tant que numéro. Après que j'ai essayé la date de sum, je ne travaille pas et je dois changer manuellement le formatting en numbers.

Capture d'écran de excel

Private Sub Button24_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button24.Click 'Create the connection ssortingng to connect to the Microsoft Excel Workbook 4: Dim connectionSsortingng As Ssortingng = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=EXCEL_DATA\2SV REARS RFT.xlsx;Extended Properties = ""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES""" 5: 6: 'Create an INSERT INTO SQL statement 7: Dim insertStatement As Ssortingng = "INSERT INTO [Sheet1$] ([Week], [Date], [Shift], [Frame Type], [Quantity], [Problem], [Weld Number], [Welder]) VALUES ('" + NOWEEK.Text + "','" + datee.Text + "','" + CHOSESHIFT.Text + "','" + FRAMETYPE.Text + "','" + QUANTITY.Text + "','" + PROBLEM.Text + "','" + WELDNUMBER.Text + "','" + WELDERNAME.Text + "')" 8: 9: 'Create a connection object to connect to the Excel Workbook 10: Dim connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionSsortingng) 11: 12: 'Create a command object that will execute the insert statement 13: Dim command As New OleDbCommand(insertStatement, connection) 14: 15: 'Open the connection, execute the statement and close the connection 16: connection.Open() 17: command.ExecuteNonQuery() 18: connection.Close() 19: 20: 'Dispose of the connection and command objects 21: connection.Dispose() 22: command.Dispose() 23: 24: 'Call the RefreshData routine so that you can see that data was indeed added. Me.Panel5.Visible = False Me.Panel4.Visible = False Me.WELDNUMBER.Clear() Me.WELDNUMBER.Clear() Me.FRAMETYPE.Clear() Me.QUANTITY.Clear() Me.PROBLEM.Clear() End Sub