Déclaration d'une variable avec une date trouvée dans la feuille, problème

À l'heure actuelle, j'essaie de déclarer une variable comme une date que j'ai tirée d'une feuille de calcul dans Excel, puis utilisez cette date déclarée comme sharepoint repère pour pouvoir supprimer tout ce qui est supérieur à celui-ci. Je pense que mon code est solide pour cette tâche, mais le problème que je constate est quand je regarde ce que ma date est déclarée au lieu d'être le 1/12/2015 car elle devrait se produire à 12h00 et elle remplace la Contenu de la cellule dans laquelle j'ai tiré la date. Voici mon code jusqu'à présent …

Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") ALLCs.Select For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then finaldate = Allcs.Cells(50, y) End If Next ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next 

Je pense que le problème principal ici réside dans le fait que la date finale est en train de se transformer en cette fois-là. Des idées?

A titre de reference, la cellule tire de 50, y lit


EDIT: J'ai mis à jour mon code pour refléter les suggestions commentées de @freemans sur le placement de ma version finale en essayant de lui atsortingbuer une valeur. Je l'avais inversée.

Mon nouveau problème est que la deuxième partie de mon code ne supprime pas exactement toutes les dates nécessaires. Par exemple, j'ai besoin de toutes les dates du 1/12/15 supprimées, mon programme ne le fait toujours pas, je pensais ne pas voir l'erreur dans mon code

  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next ALLCs.Select  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Pour u = 1 à 40  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Si InStr (1, Allcs.Cells (13, u), "Date de début") Ensuite  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Pour p = 2 à 69584  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Si allcs.Cells (p + 14, u)> finaldate Then  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Allcs.Cells (p + 14, u) .EntireRow.Delete  ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, Allcs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If allcs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then allcs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next 

Ma question se pose ici, pourquoi le 1/13/15 ne sera-t-il pas supprimé si la date finale est déclarée 1/12/15.

Vous déclarez

 Dim finaldate As Date 

et vous l'utilisez ici

 Cells(50, y) = finaldate 

et ici

  If Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Si les cellules (p + 14, u)> finaldate Then  If Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Cellules (p + 14, u) .EntireRow.Delete  If Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If 

Mais vous n'avez jamais atsortingbué de valeur à la date finaldate , vous remplissez donc une date / heure de 0 . Toute valeur de date dans les Cells([+14,u) est fortement susceptible d'être supérieure à zéro, donc la ligne sera supprimée.

Sur la base des commentaires ci-dessous, essayez ce code mis à jour:

 Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1 () Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Dim ALLCs comme feuille de travail Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Dim DS As Worksheet Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Dim Blank As Ssortingng Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Dim finaldate As Date Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Dailyssortingng = "- Daily" Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Blank = "" Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next '---------------------------- Notez cette ligne: Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Finaldate = 'quelque chose! Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next une date spécifiée par l'user? Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next vous ne nous dites pas Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next '---------------------------- Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Définir DS = feuilles ("Résumé des données") Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Définir ALLCs = Feuilles ("Asset LLC (Entrée)") Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next 'ALLCs.Select' pour supprimer la possibilité d'une ambiguïté future, faire le changement ci-dessous Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Pour y = 1 à 40 Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Si InStr (1, AllCs.Cells (13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Ensuite Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next 'notez que vous atsortingbuez au côté gauche du signe égal (=) du côté droit Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next finaldate = AllCs.Cells (50, y) Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next 'ALLCs.Sélectionnez Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Pour u = 1 à 40 Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Si InStr (1, AllCs.Cells (13, u), "Date de début") Ensuite Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Pour p = 2 à 69584 Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next Si AllCs.Cells (p + 14, u)> finaldate Then Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next AllCs.Cells (p + 14, u) .EntireRow.Delete Sub Remove_Unecessary_Data_1() Dim ALLCs As Worksheet Dim DS As Worksheet Dim Dailyssortingng As Ssortingng Dim Blank As Ssortingng Dim finaldate As Date Dailyssortingng = " - Daily" Blank = "" '----------------------------Note this line: finaldate = 'something! Today? Now? some user specified date? you don't tell us '---------------------------- Set DS = Sheets("Data Summary") Set ALLCs = Sheets("Asset LLC (Input)") 'ALLCs.Select 'to remove the possibility of future ambiguity, make the change below For y = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, y), "Timestamp of Execution") Then 'note, you assign TO the left side of the equal sign (=) FROM the right side finaldate = AllCs.Cells(50, y) End If Next 'ALLCs.Select For u = 1 To 40 If InStr(1, AllCs.Cells(13, u), "Start Date") Then For p = 2 To 69584 If AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u) > finaldate Then AllCs.Cells(p + 14, u).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End If Next