Corruption des files OpenTBS / PHP / Excel – Aucun nom d'atsortingbut ne peut apparaître plus d'une fois dans la même label de départ ou l'label d'élément vide

J'ai un script de génération Excel en PHP qui génère un file Excel dans une application originale. Avec une deuxième application, je ne peux pas générer le file Excel.

L'erreur que je reçois est:

Pièce remplacée: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml partie avec erreur XML. Aucun nom d'atsortingbut ne peut apparaître plus d'une fois dans la même label de départ ou l'label d'élément vide. Ligne 2, colonne 1245.

Pourquoi est-ce que je reçois cette erreur et comment puis-je résoudre cela?

Extrait de PHP

<?php //session_start(); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../session.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../shared/database/database.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../shared/scripts/userManager.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../shared/database/grid.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../shared/lib/opentbs/tbs_class.php'); // Load the TinyButStrong template engine require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../shared/lib/opentbs/tbs_plugin_opentbs.php'); // Load the OpenTBS plugin require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../actionitems/manageActionItems.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../shared/scripts/manageProjects.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../adminpanel/categories/manageCategories.php'); // Initialize the TBS instance $TBS = new clsTinyButStrong(); // new instance of TBS $TBS->Plugin(TBS_INSTALL, OPENTBS_PLUGIN); // load the OpenTBS plugin // ----------------- // Load the template // ----------------- $template = 'ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx'; $TBS->LoadTemplate($template, OPENTBS_ALREADY_UTF8); // Also merge some [onload] automatic fields (depends of the type of document). // ---------------------- // Debug mode of the demo // ---------------------- if (true || isset($_POST['debug']) && ($_POST['debug']=='current')) $TBS->Plugin(OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT, true); // Display the intented XML of the current sub-file, and exit. if (true || isset($_POST['debug']) && ($_POST['debug']=='info')) $TBS->Plugin(OPENTBS_DEBUG_INFO, true); // Display information about the document, and exit. if (true || isset($_POST['debug']) && ($_POST['debug']=='show')) $TBS->Plugin(OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_SHOW); // Tells TBS to display information when the document is merged. No exit. // -------------------------------------------- // Merging and other operations on the template // -------------------------------------------- $manageActionItems = new ManageActionItems(array(), array(), $_SESSION['ProjectID']); $actionItems = $manageActionItems->getAllActionItems(); $manageCategories = new ManageCategories(); $data = array(); foreach($actionItems as $actionItem) { $actionItemID = $actionItem['ActionItemID']; $actionItemTitle = $actionItem['ActionItemTitle']; $actionItemStatement = $actionItem['ActionItemStatement']; $ownerLastFirst = $manageActionItems->getUser($actionItem['OwnerID']); $assignedDate = $manageActionItems->formatDate($actionItem['AssignedDate']); $originalDueDate = $manageActionItems->formatDate($actionItem['DueDate']); $ecd = $manageActionItems->formatDate($actionItem['ECD']); $closureDate = $manageActionItems->formatDate($actionItem['ClosedDate']); $completionDate = $manageActionItems->formatDate($actionItem['CompletionDate']); $closureCriteria = $actionItem['ClosureCriteria']; $category1 = $actionItem['Category1']; $category2 = $actionItem['Category2']; $category3 = $actionItem['Category3']; $category4 = $actionItem['Category4']; $notes = $actionItem['Notes']; $altOwner = $actionItem['AltOwner']; $criticality = $actionItem['Criticality']; $assignor = $actionItem['Assignor']; array_push($data, array( 'ActionItemID' => $actionItemID, 'ActionItemTitle' => $actionItemTitle, 'AssignedDate' => str_replace('00/00/0000', "", $assignedDate), 'DueDate' => str_replace('00/00/0000', "", $originalDueDate), 'ECD' => str_replace('00/00/0000', "", $ecd), 'Owner' => $ownerLastFirst, 'ClosedDate' => str_replace('00/00/0000', "", $closureDate), 'CompletionDate' => str_replace('00/00/0000', "", $completionDate), 'Criticality' => $criticality, 'Assignor' => $assignor, 'AltOwner' => $altOwner, 'Category1' => $manageCategories->getCategoryValue($category1), 'Category2' => $manageCategories->getCategoryValue($category2), 'Category3' =>$manageCategories->getCategoryValue($category3), 'Category4' => $manageCategories->getCategoryValue($category4), 'Notes' => $notes //'ActionItemStatement' => $actionItemStatement, //'ClosureCriteria' => $closureCriteria, //'ClosureStatement' => '' )); } $categoryNames = array(); array_push($categoryNames, array( 'Category1Name' => $manageCategories->getCategoryName('1'), 'Category2Name' => $manageCategories->getCategoryName('2'), 'Category3Name' => $manageCategories->getCategoryName('3'), 'Category4Name' => $manageCategories->getCategoryName('4') )); $TBS->MergeBlock('a', $data); $TBS->MergeBlock('b', $categoryNames); $manageProjectName = new ManageProjects(); $project = array('ProjectName' => $manageProjectName->getProjects()); $TBS->MergeField('p', $project); // Define the name of the output file $save_as = (isset($_POST['save_as']) && (sortingm($_POST['save_as'])!=='') && ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']=='localhost')) ? sortingm($_POST['save_as']) : ''; $output_file_name = str_replace('.', '_'.date('Ym-d').$save_as.'.', 'ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx'); if ($save_as==='') { // Output the result as a downloadable file (only streaming, no data saved in the server) $TBS->Show(OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD, $output_file_name); // Also merges all [onshow] automatic fields. // Be sure that no more output is done, otherwise the download file is corrupted with extra data. exit(); } else { // Output the result as a file on the server. $TBS->Show(OPENTBS_FILE, $output_file_name); // Also merges all [onshow] automatic fields. // The script can continue. exit("File [$output_file_name] has been created."); } ?> 

Si cela aide ici, mes résultats sont fusionnés.

 * OPENTBS DEBUG MODE: if the star, (*) on the left before the word OPENTBS, is not the very first character of this page, then your merged Document will be corrupted when you use the OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD option. If there is a PHP error message, then you have to fix it. If they are blank spaces, line beaks, or other unexpected characters, then you have to check your code in order to avoid them. ------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------ * Debug command: OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT * OpenTBS version: 1.9.5 * TinyButStrong version: 3.10.1 * PHP version: 5.5.12YES * Opened document: ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx * Activated features for document type: openxml/xlsx * Deleted files in the archive: - xl/calcChain.xml * Added files in the archive: none * Modified files in the archive: - xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels - xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId5" Type="" Target="sharedSsortingngs.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId4" Type="" Target="styles.xml"/> </Relationships> ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac=""> <dimension ref="A1:P107"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" zoomScaleNormal="100" workbookViewId="0"> <pane ySplit="2" topLeftCell="A3" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/> <selection pane="bottomLeft" sqref="A1:A1048576"/> </sheetView> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultColWidth="11.42578125" defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/> <cols> <col min="1" max="1" width="14.7109375" hidden="1" customWidth="1"/> <col min="2" max="3" width="14.7109375" customWidth="1"/> <col min="4" max="4" width="14.7109375" style="10" customWidth="1"/> <col min="5" max="6" width="13.5703125" style="10" customWidth="1"/> <col min="7" max="8" width="16" style="10" customWidth="1"/> <col min="9" max="9" width="12" customWidth="1"/> <col min="10" max="14" width="14.7109375" customWidth="1"/> <col min="16" max="16" width="20.85546875" bestFit="1" customWidth="1"/> </cols> <sheetData> <row r="1" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B1" s="6" t="s"> <v> 32 </v> </c> </row> <row r="2" spans="1:16" s="6" customFormat="1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="A2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 1 </v> </c> <cr="B2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 13 </v> </c> <cr="C2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 23 </v> </c> <cr="D2" s="9" t="s"> <v> 4 </v> </c> <cr="E2" s="9" t="s"> <v> 5 </v> </c> <cr="F2" s="9" t="s"> <v> 2 </v> </c> <cr="G2" s="9" t="s"> <v> 18 </v> </c> <cr="H2" s="9" t="s"> <v> 6 </v> </c> <cr="I2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 20 </v> </c> <cr="J2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 7 </v> </c> <cr="K2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 9 </v> </c> <cr="L2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 11 </v> </c> <cr="M2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 28 </v> </c> <cr="N2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 29 </v> </c> <cr="O2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 30 </v> </c> <cr="P2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 31 </v> </c> </row> <row r="3" spans="1:16" s="3" customFormat="1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="A3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 3 </v> </c> <cr="B3" s="1" t="e"> <f> VALUE(A:A) </f> <v> #VALUE! </v> </c> <cr="C3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 22 </v> </c> <cr="D3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 14 </v> </c> <cr="E3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 15 </v> </c> <cr="F3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 16 </v> </c> <cr="G3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 19 </v> </c> <cr="H3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 17 </v> </c> <cr="I3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 21 </v> </c> <cr="J3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 8 </v> </c> <cr="K3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 10 </v> </c> <cr="L3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 12 </v> </c> <cr="M3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 24 </v> </c> <cr="N3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 25 </v> </c> <cr="O3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 26 </v> </c> <cr="P3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 27 </v> </c> </row> <row r="4" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B4" s="5"/> </row> <row r="5" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B5" s="5"/> </row> <row r="6" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B6" s="5"/> </row> <row r="7" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B7" s="5"/> </row> <row r="8" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B8" s="5"/> </row> <row r="9" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B9" s="5"/> </row> <row r="10" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B10" s="5"/> </row> <row r="11" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B11" s="5"/> </row> <row r="12" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B12" s="5"/> </row> <row r="13" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B13" s="5"/> </row> <row r="14" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B14" s="5"/> </row> <row r="15" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B15" s="5"/> </row> <row r="16" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B16" s="5"/> </row> <row r="17" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B17" s="5"/> </row> <row r="18" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B18" s="5"/> </row> <row r="19" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B19" s="5"/> </row> <row r="20" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B20" s="5"/> </row> <row r="21" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B21" s="5"/> </row> <row r="22" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B22" s="5"/> </row> <row r="23" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B23" s="5"/> </row> <row r="24" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B24" s="5"/> </row> <row r="25" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B25" s="5"/> </row> <row r="26" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B26" s="5"/> </row> <row r="27" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B27" s="5"/> </row> <row r="28" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B28" s="5"/> </row> <row r="29" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B29" s="5"/> </row> <row r="30" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B30" s="5"/> </row> <row r="31" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B31" s="5"/> </row> <row r="32" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B32" s="5"/> </row> <row r="33" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B33" s="5"/> </row> <row r="34" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B34" s="5"/> </row> <row r="35" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B35" s="5"/> </row> <row r="36" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B36" s="5"/> </row> <row r="37" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B37" s="5"/> </row> <row r="38" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B38" s="5"/> </row> <row r="39" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B39" s="5"/> </row> <row r="40" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B40" s="5"/> </row> <row r="41" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B41" s="5"/> </row> <row r="42" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B42" s="4"/> </row> <row r="43" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B43" s="4"/> </row> <row r="44" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B44" s="4"/> </row> <row r="45" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B45" s="4"/> </row> <row r="46" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B46" s="4"/> </row> <row r="47" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B47" s="4"/> </row> <row r="48" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B48" s="4"/> </row> <row r="49" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B49" s="4"/> </row> <row r="50" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B50" s="4"/> </row> <row r="51" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B51" s="4"/> </row> <row r="52" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B52" s="4"/> </row> <row r="53" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B53" s="4"/> </row> <row r="54" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B54" s="4"/> </row> <row r="55" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B55" s="4"/> </row> <row r="56" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B56" s="4"/> </row> <row r="57" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B57" s="4"/> </row> <row r="58" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B58" s="4"/> </row> <row r="59" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B59" s="4"/> </row> <row r="60" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B60" s="4"/> </row> <row r="61" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B61" s="4"/> </row> <row r="62" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B62" s="4"/> </row> <row r="63" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B63" s="4"/> </row> <row r="64" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B64" s="4"/> </row> <row r="65" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B65" s="4"/> </row> <row r="66" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B66" s="4"/> </row> <row r="67" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B67" s="4"/> </row> <row r="68" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B68" s="4"/> </row> <row r="69" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B69" s="4"/> </row> <row r="70" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B70" s="4"/> </row> <row r="71" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B71" s="4"/> </row> <row r="72" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B72" s="4"/> </row> <row r="73" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B73" s="4"/> </row> <row r="74" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B74" s="4"/> </row> <row r="75" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B75" s="4"/> </row> <row r="76" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B76" s="4"/> </row> <row r="77" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B77" s="4"/> </row> <row r="78" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B78" s="4"/> </row> <row r="79" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B79" s="4"/> </row> <row r="80" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B80" s="4"/> </row> <row r="81" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B81" s="4"/> </row> <row r="82" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B82" s="4"/> </row> <row r="83" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B83" s="4"/> </row> <row r="84" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B84" s="4"/> </row> <row r="85" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B85" s="4"/> </row> <row r="86" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B86" s="4"/> </row> <row r="87" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B87" s="4"/> </row> <row r="88" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B88" s="4"/> </row> <row r="89" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B89" s="4"/> </row> <row r="90" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B90" s="4"/> </row> <row r="91" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B91" s="4"/> </row> <row r="92" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B92" s="4"/> </row> <row r="93" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B93" s="4"/> </row> <row r="94" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B94" s="4"/> </row> <row r="95" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B95" s="4"/> </row> <row r="96" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B96" s="4"/> </row> <row r="97" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B97" s="4"/> </row> <row r="98" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B98" s="4"/> </row> <row r="99" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B99" s="4"/> </row> <row r="100" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B100" s="4"/> </row> <row r="101" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B101" s="4"/> </row> <row r="102" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B102" s="4"/> </row> <row r="103" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B103" s="4"/> </row> <row r="104" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B104" s="4"/> </row> <row r="105" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B105" s="4"/> </row> <row r="106" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B106" s="4"/> </row> <row r="107" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B107" s="4"/> </row> </sheetData> <autoFilter ref="A2:P2"/> <phoneticPr fontId="1" type="noConversion"/> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> <pageSetup paperSize="9" orientation="portrait" r:id="rId1"/> </worksheet> ------------------------------ * OPENTBS DEBUG MODE: if the star, (*) on the left before the word OPENTBS, is not the very first character of this page, then your merged Document will be corrupted when you use the OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD option. If there is a PHP error message, then you have to fix it. If they are blank spaces, line beaks, or other unexpected characters, then you have to check your code in order to avoid them. ------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------ * Debug command: OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT * OpenTBS version: 1.9.5 * TinyButStrong version: 3.10.1 * PHP version: 5.5.12YES * Opened document: ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx * Activated features for document type: openxml/xlsx * Deleted files in the archive: - xl/calcChain.xml * Added files in the archive: none * Modified files in the archive: - xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels - xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId5" Type="" Target="sharedSsortingngs.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId4" Type="" Target="styles.xml"/> </Relationships> ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac=""> <dimension ref="A1:P107"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" zoomScaleNormal="100" workbookViewId="0"> <pane ySplit="2" topLeftCell="A3" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/> <selection pane="bottomLeft" sqref="A1:A1048576"/> </sheetView> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultColWidth="11.42578125" defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/> <cols> <col min="1" max="1" width="14.7109375" hidden="1" customWidth="1"/> <col min="2" max="3" width="14.7109375" customWidth="1"/> <col min="4" max="4" width="14.7109375" style="10" 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<v> 28 </v> </c> <cr="N2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 29 </v> </c> <cr="O2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 30 </v> </c> <cr="P2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 31 </v> </c> </row> <row r="3" spans="1:16" s="3" customFormat="1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="A3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 3 </v> </c> <cr="B3" s="1" t="e"> <f> VALUE(A:A) </f> <v> #VALUE! </v> </c> <cr="C3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 22 </v> </c> <cr="D3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 14 </v> </c> <cr="E3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 15 </v> </c> <cr="F3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 16 </v> </c> <cr="G3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 19 </v> </c> <cr="H3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 17 </v> </c> <cr="I3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 21 </v> </c> <cr="J3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 8 </v> </c> <cr="K3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 10 </v> </c> <cr="L3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 12 </v> </c> <cr="M3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 24 </v> </c> <cr="N3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 25 </v> </c> <cr="O3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 26 </v> </c> <cr="P3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 27 </v> </c> </row> <row r="4" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B4" s="5"/> </row> <row r="5" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B5" 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x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B101" s="4"/> </row> <row r="102" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B102" s="4"/> </row> <row r="103" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B103" s="4"/> </row> <row r="104" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B104" s="4"/> </row> <row r="105" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B105" s="4"/> </row> <row r="106" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B106" s="4"/> </row> <row r="107" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B107" s="4"/> </row> </sheetData> <autoFilter ref="A2:P2"/> <phoneticPr fontId="1" type="noConversion"/> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> <pageSetup paperSize="9" orientation="portrait" r:id="rId1"/> </worksheet> ------------------------------ * OPENTBS DEBUG MODE: if the star, (*) on the left before the word OPENTBS, is not the very first character of this page, then your merged Document will be corrupted when you use the OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD option. If there is a PHP error message, then you have to fix it. If they are blank spaces, line beaks, or other unexpected characters, then you have to check your code in order to avoid them. ------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------ * Debug command: OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT * OpenTBS version: 1.9.5 * TinyButStrong version: 3.10.1 * PHP version: 5.5.12YES * Opened document: ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx * Activated features for document type: openxml/xlsx * Deleted files in the archive: - xl/calcChain.xml * Added files in the archive: none * Modified files in the archive: - xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels - xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" 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<v> 28 </v> </c> <cr="N2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 29 </v> </c> <cr="O2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 30 </v> </c> <cr="P2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 31 </v> </c> </row> <row r="3" spans="1:16" s="3" customFormat="1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="A3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 3 </v> </c> <cr="B3" s="1" t="e"> <f> VALUE(A:A) </f> <v> #VALUE! </v> </c> <cr="C3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 22 </v> </c> <cr="D3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 14 </v> </c> <cr="E3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 15 </v> </c> <cr="F3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 16 </v> </c> <cr="G3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 19 </v> </c> <cr="H3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 17 </v> </c> <cr="I3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 21 </v> </c> <cr="J3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 8 </v> </c> <cr="K3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 10 </v> </c> <cr="L3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 12 </v> </c> <cr="M3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 24 </v> </c> <cr="N3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 25 </v> </c> <cr="O3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 26 </v> </c> <cr="P3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 27 </v> </c> </row> <row r="4" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B4" s="5"/> </row> <row r="5" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B5" 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OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD option. If there is a PHP error message, then you have to fix it. If they are blank spaces, line beaks, or other unexpected characters, then you have to check your code in order to avoid them. ------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------ * Debug command: OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT * OpenTBS version: 1.9.5 * TinyButStrong version: 3.10.1 * PHP version: 5.5.12YES * Opened document: ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx * Activated features for document type: openxml/xlsx * Deleted files in the archive: - xl/calcChain.xml * Added files in the archive: none * Modified files in the archive: - xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels - xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" 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If there is a PHP error message, then you have to fix it. If they are blank spaces, line beaks, or other unexpected characters, then you have to check your code in order to avoid them. ------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------ * Debug command: OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT * OpenTBS version: 1.9.5 * TinyButStrong version: 3.10.1 * PHP version: 5.5.12YES * Opened document: ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx * Activated features for document type: openxml/xlsx * Deleted files in the archive: - xl/calcChain.xml * Added files in the archive: none * Modified files in the archive: - xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels - xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId5" Type="" Target="sharedSsortingngs.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId4" Type="" Target="styles.xml"/> </Relationships> ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac=""> <dimension ref="A1:P107"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" zoomScaleNormal="100" workbookViewId="0"> <pane ySplit="2" topLeftCell="A3" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/> <selection pane="bottomLeft" sqref="A1:A1048576"/> </sheetView> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultColWidth="11.42578125" defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/> <cols> <col min="1" max="1" width="14.7109375" hidden="1" customWidth="1"/> <col min="2" max="3" width="14.7109375" customWidth="1"/> <col min="4" max="4" width="14.7109375" style="10" 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<v> 28 </v> </c> <cr="N2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 29 </v> </c> <cr="O2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 30 </v> </c> <cr="P2" s="7" t="s"> <v> 31 </v> </c> </row> <row r="3" spans="1:16" s="3" customFormat="1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="A3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 3 </v> </c> <cr="B3" s="1" t="e"> <f> VALUE(A:A) </f> <v> #VALUE! </v> </c> <cr="C3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 22 </v> </c> <cr="D3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 14 </v> </c> <cr="E3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 15 </v> </c> <cr="F3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 16 </v> </c> <cr="G3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 19 </v> </c> <cr="H3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 17 </v> </c> <cr="I3" s="8" t="s"> <v> 21 </v> </c> <cr="J3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 8 </v> </c> <cr="K3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 10 </v> </c> <cr="L3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 12 </v> </c> <cr="M3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 24 </v> </c> <cr="N3" s="2" t="s"> <v> 25 </v> </c> <cr="O3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 26 </v> </c> <cr="P3" s="1" t="s"> <v> 27 </v> </c> </row> <row r="4" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B4" s="5"/> </row> <row r="5" spans="1:16" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B5" 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x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B60" s="4"/> </row> <row r="61" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B61" s="4"/> </row> <row r="62" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B62" s="4"/> </row> <row r="63" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B63" s="4"/> </row> <row r="64" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B64" s="4"/> </row> <row r="65" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B65" s="4"/> </row> <row r="66" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B66" s="4"/> </row> <row r="67" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B67" s="4"/> </row> <row r="68" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B68" s="4"/> </row> <row r="69" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B69" s="4"/> </row> <row r="70" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B70" s="4"/> </row> <row r="71" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B71" s="4"/> </row> <row r="72" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B72" s="4"/> </row> <row r="73" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B73" s="4"/> </row> 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x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B101" s="4"/> </row> <row r="102" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B102" s="4"/> </row> <row r="103" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B103" s="4"/> </row> <row r="104" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B104" s="4"/> </row> <row r="105" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B105" s="4"/> </row> <row r="106" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B106" s="4"/> </row> <row r="107" spans="2:2" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"> <cr="B107" s="4"/> </row> </sheetData> <autoFilter ref="A2:P2"/> <phoneticPr fontId="1" type="noConversion"/> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> <pageSetup paperSize="9" orientation="portrait" r:id="rId1"/> </worksheet> ------------------------------ * OPENTBS DEBUG MODE: if the star, (*) on the left before the word OPENTBS, is not the very first character of this page, then your merged Document will be corrupted when you use the OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD option. If there is a PHP error message, then you have to fix it. If they are blank spaces, line beaks, or other unexpected characters, then you have to check your code in order to avoid them. ------------------------------ INFORMATION ------------------------------ * Debug command: OPENTBS_DEBUG_XML_CURRENT * OpenTBS version: 1.9.5 * TinyButStrong version: 3.10.1 * PHP version: 5.5.12YES * Opened document: ActionItemSummaryReport.xlsx * Activated features for document type: openxml/xlsx * Deleted files in the archive: - xl/calcChain.xml * Added files in the archive: none * Modified files in the archive: - xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels - xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="theme/theme1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet2.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId1" Type="" Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId5" Type="" Target="sharedSsortingngs.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rId4" Type="" Target="styles.xml"/> </Relationships> ------------------------------ File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac=""> <dimension ref="A1:P107"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" zoomScaleNormal="100" workbookViewId="0"> <pane ySplit="2" topLeftCell="A3" activePane="bottomLeft" state="frozen"/> <selection pane="bottomLeft" sqref="A1:A1048576"/> </sheetView> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultColWidth="11.42578125" defaultRowHeight="15" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/> <cols> <col min="1" max="1" width="14.7109375" hidden="1" customWidth="1"/> <col min="2" max="3" width="14.7109375" customWidth="1"/> <col min="4" max="4" width="14.7109375" style="10" 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C'est à quoi ressemble la sortie. Mes strings partagées apparaissent ci-dessous mais pas au-dessus.

Pourquoi sharedSsortingngs.xml ne s'affiche pas ci-dessus?

  File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/sharedSsortingngs.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <sst xmlns="" count="32" uniqueCount="32"> <si> <t> [p.ProjectName] </t> </si> <si> <t> ID </t> </si> <si> <t> ActionItemID </t> </si> <si> <t> Action Item Title </t> </si> <si> <t> Assigned Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Due Date </t> </si> <si> <t> ECD </t> </si> <si> <t> Completion Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Closed Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Owner </t> </si> <si> <t> Criticality </t> </si> <si> <t> Assignor </t> </si> <si> <t> Alt Owner </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category1Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category2Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category3Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category4Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ActionItemID;block=tbs:row] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ActionItemTitle] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.AssignedDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.DueDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ECD;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.CompletionDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ClosedDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Owner] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Criticality] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Assignor] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.AltOwner] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category1] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category2] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category3] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category4] </t> </si> </sst> ------------------------------  File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/sharedSsortingngs.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <sst xmlns="" count="32" uniqueCount="32"> <si> <t> [p.ProjectName] </t> </si> <si> <t> ID </t> </si> <si> <t> ActionItemID </t> </si> <si> <t> Action Item Title </t> </si> <si> <t> Assigned Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Due Date </t> </si> <si> <t> ECD </t> </si> <si> <t> Completion Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Closed Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Owner </t> </si> <si> <t> Criticality </t> </si> <si> <t> Assignor </t> </si> <si> <t> Alt Owner </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category1Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category2Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category3Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category4Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ActionItemID;block=tbs:row] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ActionItemTitle] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.AssignedDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.DueDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ECD;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.CompletionDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ClosedDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Owner] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Criticality] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Assignor] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.AltOwner] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category1] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category2] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category3] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category4] </t> </si> </sst> <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"?>  File merged with OpenTBS (XML reformated for debuging only): xl/sharedSsortingngs.xml ------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <sst xmlns="" count="32" uniqueCount="32"> <si> <t> [p.ProjectName] </t> </si> <si> <t> ID </t> </si> <si> <t> ActionItemID </t> </si> <si> <t> Action Item Title </t> </si> <si> <t> Assigned Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Due Date </t> </si> <si> <t> ECD </t> </si> <si> <t> Completion Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Closed Date </t> </si> <si> <t> Owner </t> </si> <si> <t> Criticality </t> </si> <si> <t> Assignor </t> </si> <si> <t> Alt Owner </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category1Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category2Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category3Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [b.Category4Name] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ActionItemID;block=tbs:row] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ActionItemTitle] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.AssignedDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.DueDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ECD;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.CompletionDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.ClosedDate;ope=tbs:date] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Owner] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Criticality] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Assignor] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.AltOwner] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category1] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category2] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category3] </t> </si> <si> <t> [a.Category4] </t> </si> </sst> 

Après avoir essayé la dernière version, j'ai pu get le script Excel. Une mise à jour de 1.9.5 à 1.9.6 était la solution.