Comment comprendre les formules excel? (Pour le convertir en requête sql)

J'ai quelques formules Excel complexes que j'ai l'intention de convertir en oracle / sql dans le cadre d'un process d'automation. Le problème principal que je vois est la difficulté dans la lisibilité des diverses formules Excel utilisées, en collant un tel exemple ici. Toute suggestion d'aide sur la façon de décoder ces formules sera utile. L'autre question: existe-t-il un moyen faisable de convertir des formules impliquant vlookup en une requête sql?

=IF(ISERROR(FIND(6000301407,[@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]])),IF(ISERROR(FIND(6003921231,[@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]])),IF(ISERROR(FIND(6001089085,[@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]])),IF(ISERROR(FIND(6011995534,[@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]])),IF(ISERROR(FIND(6008725372,[@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]])),IF(ISERROR(FIND(6013991835,[@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]])),VLOOKUP([@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]],Licensee_List[#All],2,0),"No"),"Yes"),"No"),"Yes"),"No"),"No")

On dirait que votre formule tente de find ces valeurs numériques (en commençant par 60... ) dans la valeur de la string appelée [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]] . Le stream est comme suit:

 Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Chercher dans [@ [Instantané vendu à l'ID du client]]: Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Trouvé 6000301407? Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Imprimer "Non". Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Trouvé 6003921231? Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Imprimer "Non". Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Trouvé 6001089085? Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Imprimer "Oui". Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Trouvé 6011995534? Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Imprimer "Non". Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Trouvé 6008725372? Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Imprimer "Oui". Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Trouvé 6013991835? Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right. Imprimer "Non". Search in [@[Snapshot Sold To Cust Id]]: Found 6000301407? Print "No". Else Found 6003921231? Print "No". Else Found 6001089085? Print "Yes". Else Found 6011995534? Print "No". Else Found 6008725372? Print "Yes". Else Found 6013991835? Print "No". Else Search [@[Snapshot Sold To Industry Key Dsc]] In Licensee_List[#All] And Output The Value In Next Column To The Right.